Wednesday, 20 July 2022

July 2022 Meeting

This month realy showed  two important things about Association area groups; small membership and a layout which members can work on collectivly. The second point proven by the continuing sucess of Lightermans Yard.

Currrently, as was seen last month, KEAG members are variously involved in two less collective, more private layouts. Evercreech Junction, a challenginglyly large layout, by Keith Gloster and Alan Smith, both masters of the darker side of 2mm. The second layout is Brixham by Pete King. However, there is not much other members can contribute to either at this stage. There are further possibilities in the pipeline, Some recent images of track work by David Smith, The Dyke Railway, in the planning by Richard, and report from the West Country of progress on Leigham Road, a fixed layout by our Somerset member Pete Townsend.

The meetings do, however, provide a valuable forum for 2mm demonstrations and working practices and questions, this seen from previous months.

We are always on the lookout for new members, and perhaps we should look at the possibilities of online. Worked quite well during the pandemic, as the Australians prooved. 

Find out if the Church has WiFi. Life could be more exciting! Next meeting 14 August

Friday, 8 July 2022

June 2022 Meeting & Diamond Jubilee

In newspaper terms, Fleet Street refered to this time of year as...the silly season when nothing much happened, except this year things rearly are happening, even at 2mm scale! Of course, I'm referring to our very own Diamond Jubilee, of which more later.

Our June meeting was about the logistics of getting Evercreech Junction to Derby. For once Lightermans Yard stayed at home.

Tom Cutting, who was down from Yorkshire, helping preparing Richard's Clyde challenge also for Derby. Tom showed the points, cross-over and track he had made for Clyde. There were some questions he had before commiting the track to it's baseboard. 








2mm Association Diamond Jubilee, Derby Conference Centre

Many thanks to Pete King for writing this report and providing many of the pictures.

KEAG at the DJ.

The Diamond Jubilee meeting saw an unusual departure for the members of the KEAG team. It has been the norm, for a few years now, to all be at a show with one common aim, i.e. the displaying of Lightermans Yard. On this occasion, however, we all rather went our separate ways. 

David was helping to man the 2mm Diesel Modellers stand. This stand, by the way, didn’t seem to be shown in the show guide and this writer missed it completely. If the models were to the very high standards of David’s models then they would have been well worth seeing.


Richard had his challenge layout, “Clyde”- a work in progress,- to attend to assisted by one of our honorary annexed members, Tom. Our other honorary member, Pete T was up to his eyeballs in “Bring ‘n Buy” on Saturday and central shop on Sunday.

Alan and Keith, with Pete K “helping?” were showing  Evercreech Junction for the first time. Sadly an unexpected and unfound short circuit prevented the running of complete laps of the layout. It was possible, though, to run within station limits and also to test locos on the bank away from the station towards Bournemouth.





Even though we were spilt up we all agreed it was an excellent weekend and our thanks must go to John Aldrick for his Last Great Hoorah in organising this fabulous celebration of 2mm modelling.


 Evercreech Junction packed for the road!

Next meeting Sunday 10 July 2022