Sunday, 17 February 2019

Tonbridge MRC Exhibition,

The Tonbridge one day show lived up to its reputation. By the 10am opening a substantial queue had formed stretching quite a way from the entrance. Inside the exhibition's various rooms, exhibitors were preparing for the public onslaught! The show was very well attended. We were fortunate to be in the main hall, our companion 2mm layout 'Freshwater' was jammed into a tiny cramped space, many visitors must have given up trying to view it. Pete K, Alan S, Keith and Richard were Lightermans Yard's operators.

Pete K wrote on Friday's set-up; "I don't want to jinx things but the setting up was scarily good. That's it I'm not saying anymore!!!" and on Saturday, “Seriously, another enjoyable day in your company gentlemen. In spite of “The Yard” sulking for most of the day, I left the show knowing that I’d had a good day.”

Alan S writes; “But lets not get too disappointed, most fixes have worked, this only highlights the ongoing problems with sticking locos and unreliable DG's both are common in 2mm.
It was noted that more than one loco stuck at the same spot (a couple were identified)  so this may be a track issue (it was very cold in the hall and may have contributed to the problem)
The same magnets appeared to be weak or non working although we were sure all was working when tested.
This could be down to the fine tuning of the couplings being required. We discussed several likely causes, double loop, loop under latch, no dropper or not enough 'iron' to lift loop etc.
I found myself pulling the wrong magnet only to see the train drift effortlessly across the one I though I was activating, now that's frustrating!
We had the issue of the entry crossing shorting and thanks to Keith for doing the required 'Limbo' under the layout. This is not the first time this switch has played up so perhaps a swap to enclose micro switches may be a solution. I am not sure if this is possible however.
I'm sure with a real sort out of the couplings on our stock (I think Keith's all worked pretty faultlessly)
Things will appear to get much better. Of course the stay alive's may improve things no end.”

 Alan and Pete's view of shunting operations.

We were very pleased with the crowds and complementary comments that 'The Yard' attracted throughout the day, and there were more invitations to shows too.

This was a well attended exhibition with representative layouts of the major gauges, including finescale.

Our newly liveried bus makes its first appearance, but awaits its correct destination binds.

Pete and Alan carefully disassemble the scenic boards at the end of an enjoyable day.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

February 2019 Meeting

Back to base for our regular monthly meeting following our outing to the Erith Exhibition and in between the Tonbridge exhibition. As Lightermans Yard is in transit between exhibition appearances, we settled down to discussions on various topics, some we had on our 'to do' list. We also resumed the Terrier conversion workshop.

The 'Best in Show' shield we were awarded at the Erith Exhibition now has 'Lightermans Yard' proudly etched in first place

Alan S reports. Peter K kindly agreed to make Templot drawings for the turnouts on Evercreech Junction (Alan and Keith's new layout). The first crossover seemed to be a B10. I made a track base from Peter's drawing but before I made the crossing itself I thought I'd try a 1 in 9 crossing I had in stock (from the standard Easitrac range) it proved to be a good fit. It just goes to show that the prototype and our associated modelling of it there is always some compromise. It was suggested that although standard parts were used in the prototype there were many variables. Comparing our C&L plans to Templot, although both are correct, shows minor discrepancies. It was assumed by the group that all the big 4 would indeed have their own standards which in turn would lead to further variations.

Another discussion centred on advice for the early stage construction of Pete K's Brixham baseboards (not photographed). 

Alan S bought in a new LT bus with the correct 1960s livery and with other scale modifications (we need establish an authentic South East London route number and destination).

We had agreed to talk about 'Stay Alive' capacitors for Lightermans locomotives.

Alan bought the components to show, and we discussed the various sources of instruction and the practical implementations for 2mm. An article by Nigel Cliffe 'DCC Stay Alive Capacitor' in the 2mm Magazine, December 2013 page 108 is one such source.

Terrier Conversion Part 2

Remaining etch (after parts removed for Part 1)

Following on from Part 1, the next job is to prepare and assemble the side frames. The etch provides for side frames and strengtheners that need to be 'sweated' together, an allowance has to be made for the extra thickness when forming the chassis width.

The etch has side frames and strengtheners that need to be sweated together. First the etch surfaces are cleaned with a fiber stick...

...and flux applied to the surfaces to be tinned. Flux can be liquid or paste or solder paint can be used.

Tinning the surfaces to be 'sweated' together.
(note; tin both sides of the inside frame strengtheners but only the inside of the main frames).

Wash the flux off the etch before proceeding.

Remove the main frames and the strengtheners from the etch with a scalpel, chisel or sheers. Take care to save any small parts that are attached to the frames.

Check the alignment of the frames and strengtheners but keep them separate.

Check that the bearings fit the axle holes on both main frame and strengtheners. Six bearings for the axles, and two for the gear assembly. If necessary ream the holes to fit the bearings. Solder the bearings into the inside of the main frames, the cap should be on the inside.


End of part 2; many thanks to Keith

In case it helps fill in any gaps, included are sketched notes.

Lightermans Yard will be at the Tonbridge MRC's 38th Annual Exhibition on Saturday 16 February 2019.