Pete K wrote on Friday's set-up; "I don't want to jinx things but the setting up was scarily good. That's it I'm not saying anymore!!!" and on Saturday, “Seriously, another enjoyable day in your company gentlemen. In spite of “The Yard” sulking for most of the day, I left the show knowing that I’d had a good day.”
Alan S writes; “But lets not get too disappointed, most fixes have worked, this only highlights the ongoing problems with sticking locos and unreliable DG's both are common in 2mm.
It was noted that more than one loco stuck at the same spot (a couple were identified) so this may be a track issue (it was very cold in the hall and may have contributed to the problem)
The same magnets appeared to be weak or non working although we were sure all was working when tested.
This could be down to the fine tuning of the couplings being required. We discussed several likely causes, double loop, loop under latch, no dropper or not enough 'iron' to lift loop etc.
I found myself pulling the wrong magnet only to see the train drift effortlessly across the one I though I was activating, now that's frustrating!
We had the issue of the entry crossing shorting and thanks to Keith for doing the required 'Limbo' under the layout. This is not the first time this switch has played up so perhaps a swap to enclose micro switches may be a solution. I am not sure if this is possible however.
I'm sure with a real sort out of the couplings on our stock (I think Keith's all worked pretty faultlessly)
Things will appear to get much better. Of course the stay alive's may improve things no end.”
Alan and Pete's view of shunting operations.
We were very pleased with the crowds and complementary comments that 'The Yard' attracted throughout the day, and there were more invitations to shows too.
This was a well attended exhibition with representative layouts of the major gauges, including finescale.
Our newly liveried bus makes its first appearance, but awaits its correct destination binds.
Pete and Alan carefully disassemble the scenic boards at the end of an enjoyable day.