Wednesday, 18 May 2022

May 2022 Meeting

Just thinking about our new found semi-freedoms and the need for some rejuvination in our forward plans. As individuals we have two major layouts in addition to Lightermans Yard, Evercreech Junction (Keith and Alan) and Brixham (Pete K). Whilst the last 3 months have been short on atttendances, we have been doing necessary work on 'The Yard'. As witnesed below, balasting has become a priority taken on by Alan with Pete K, who have provided a master class in scale and colour. 

Below, from our West Country member,
Pete Townsend,
The latest addition to Leigham Road loco stock. A Southern C3 class.

Next meeting 11 June. Closly followed by the Diamond Jubilee, Derby 17 and 18 June.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

April 2022 Meeting

As we come out of lockdowns and social distancing, and as other restrictions are lifted. Looking back, it was difficult to use this blog as a simple report of our monthly meetings. However, thanks to Zoom we were able to communicate and show progress on projects and keep our spirits up. As we are now able to meet in face to face at our base, we hopefully will be able to see more in detail.

Lightermans Yard continues to to attract invitations to shows. We still have work to do, principally to complete balasting the track and yard. 

At KEAG there are also two major projects underway (reviewed below) for which there have been glimpses in the blog. The very ambitious layout, Evercreech Junction (below in Nov 2019), is Alan and Keith’s initiative. 

Pete King's Brixham (shown below) is also progressing well. Although these two projects are more personal, the rest of the group are ready to help where needed.

News from Brixham. A source close to the railway has sent this video clip of trials on the outskirts to Brixham Station. Using a loco hired in from a goods yard somewhere in Southeast London, tests were carried out as seen but also over the crossover. Apparently the camera man had to put down his camera to assist in holding the point blades over as the S & T department has not yet connected the pointwork to the signal frame. The source informs us that the company General Manager (Mr Pete King) is personally working hard on the next phase which will enable running into the station area.


From Alan, a couple of progress shots of the Evercrech Junction track works

Next meeting; 8 May 2022